“Pigs are one of the most adaptive ecological generalists,” said Jim Beasley, an associate professor in Warnell and SREL. “They’re really intelligent animals, and management of them often has to be really adaptive, as well, changing on a week-to-week or even day-to-day basis. It all ties back to efficiency of management and how you allocate your resources.”
“The idea was to provide knowledge of wild pig movements at a temporal scale, at which most management practices and decisions occur,” said Lindsay Clontz, first author on the study and a UGA master’s graduate in forestry and natural resources. “The variables we incorporated were intended to be universal (i.e., habitat quality, weather, landscape characteristics), making it practical for landowners and managers to make informed management decisions on a week-by-week basis.”
Using baited traps to temporarily capture the animals, the team fitted 49 wild pigs with radio collars to track their movements over a year. Their data confirmed that pigs generally configure home ranges along tracts of their preferred habitat of bottomland hardwood swamps. Not only does this type of vegetation offer plenty of forage, but the availability of water is important in a hot climate (like dogs, pigs are not very good at regulating their body temperature and need water to cool down).
The researchers also found that female pigs tend to stay even closer to good habitat and water than males. “In most mammals, females are more tied to resources than males,” Beasley said. “Males often move around more throughout the landscape to gain access to females—especially pigs, which can breed year-round.”
Homebound in bad weather
Potentially of greatest use in wild pig management is the team’s finding of a relationship between temperature and air pressure and pig home ranges. Air pressure was used as a proxy for weather—a rising barometer typically signifies clear weather, while falling air pressure can mean an approaching storm. The researchers found that as temperature rose and air pressure fell, pig movements shrank.
“You’ve probably heard people talk about pets or animals responding before a storm,” Beasley said. “That’s exactly what we see with pigs: When these bad weather events hit, pigs tend to concentrate their movements, probably in areas of cover to stay out of the elements. That has a direct application in how we implement trapping or other control programs and deciding where and when to concentrate efforts.”
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