Soybean growers can trust CruiserMaxx APX to protect against yield-robbing diseases and insects while enabling faster, more uniform emergence, stronger plants and roots, and quicker speed-to-canopy.
“With CruiserMaxx APX, best-in-class soybean seed treatment protection is now even better,” said Katie Jaeger, Syngenta Seedcare product lead. “CruiserMaxx APX combines the proven Vigor Effect and RootingPower that CruiserMaxx Vibrance is known to deliver with supercharged, broad-spectrum, early-season disease and insect protection to give seedlings the strongest possible start from day one.”
CruiserMaxx APX was formulated to perform in all planting conditions and fit with current soybean growing trends ― like reduced planting rates, earlier planting and continuous soybeans. This flexibility gives growers more freedom to plant when they choose to, with minimum risk of replant and the associated costs.
“No matter if you plant early into cool, wet soils or later into a warmer, double-crop environment, CruiserMaxx APX delivers the most powerful early-season disease and insect protection available,” Jaeger said. “Compared with competitor seed treatments, we’ve observed an average yield increase of 3 to 5 bushels per acre in moderate to high Pythium pressure situations. And in an Ohio State University Phytophthora trial, CruiserMaxx APX was the only seed treatment to deliver a statistically different 5-bushel yield advantage compared to the untreated check. So, when every seedling on every acre counts, CruiserMaxx APX is a valuable tool to help you maximize your genetic yield and ROI potential.”
CruiserMaxx APX will be available for limited trialing in 2022 and more broadly available in 2023, subject to state approvals.
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