This survey really is open to any stakeholder the utilizes the SDRS program.Really it's trying to assess for the upcoming year what pathogens need to be added or do any need to be added? Are there different areas that should be assessed with the goal really to give value to existing projects.
There's been several things that have been added such as looking at more in depth PRRS genomic analysis, looking at different regional assessments for influenza but all of these things are added due to input and surveys from a lot of the stakeholders that utilize the program. This information will be used to assess the SDR program for addition of things that will add value and, whether they're disease specific or more informational specific, the goal is to increase the value that producers and veterinarians derive from this program.
So, again, really important, if you have an interest and look at the SDRS, please add your input because it will only continue to add value to that program.
For information on the swine disease reporting system or to participate in the stakeholder survey visit the Swine Health Information Center website at
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