The result was a “great yield” but “unlikely” to be an Ontario record, Quesnel said.
OMAFRA soybean specialist Horst Bohner told the conference audience that researchers have been unable to surpass Ontario soybean yields in the “high 80s.”
“We just don’t know how to get more than 90 bu/ac with those varieties at Elora most of the time,” added Bohner.
A more astounding backdrop was the latest world record soybean yield that’s far and away above anything achieved in the province. American farmers Alex Harrell, in southwest Georgia, last August harvested 206 bu/ac on 2.5 acres.
How did he do it? Bohner pointed to the centre-pivot irrigation system on the Georgian operation. “That gives us a little clue,” he observed.
Irrigated soybeans in Ontario get an average yield bump of just 12 %, according to Bohner. “It’s not the 25 or 50 % you might think. When I talk to the guys who irrigate soybeans, they’re often disappointed compared to other (irrigated) crops. You don’t take it to 100 bu/ac.”
Ontario soybean growers averaged 53 bu/ac in 2023, according to AgriCorp, up from the 48 bu/ac 10-year average.
Source : Farmersforum