New legislation to improve the hunting and trapping experience will be in effect beginning Sunday, August 28.
Valid licence holders will be permitted to hunt or trap on Sundays within their respective management areas throughout the entire hunting and trapping season. This change coincides with the opening of the 2022-23 big game bow-hunting season tomorrow, (Saturday, August 27). Please note big game rifle-hunting season does not open until Saturday, September 10.
All hunters and trappers are required to follow firearm and hunting safety practices at all times. Additional information related to wildlife regulations, hunting season dates, bag limits and other hunting safety reminders is available in the 2022-23 Hunting and Trapping Guide.
Also new for this season, Moose Management Area maps showing moose densities in recently surveyed areas and current population information are now available here. More information on moose management is available in the 2022-2026 Moose Management Plan.