Students Learn About Farming

Sep 20, 2018
Students from Winnipeg and rural Manitoba are getting a chance to see what farming is all about this week at the Amazing Agriculture Adventure.
The 3-day event, which features a dozen interactive stations, is being held at Richardson's Kelburn Farm and at the Bruce D. Campbell Farm and Food Discovery Centre south of Winnipeg.
Katharine Cherewyk is the program and volunteer manager with Agriculture in the Classroom Manitoba.
"Our goal is to really give them accurate, balanced and current information about agriculture, so that they can become literate in the ways of agriculture, so when they leave high school they're well informed about agriculture."
Cherewyk notes about 800 students from grades three to six are taking part in this week's event. She adds about 60 volunteers, including 25 high school students, were also on hand each day to help out with the program.
Source : Steinbachonline