Streamlining online auctions brings accolades to aucteeno

Jan 19, 2024

Remember back not that long ago when community came together at Farmer Brown's farmyard for his auction sale, and two auction rings would rotate throughout the yard, the larger equipment featured in one ring, and the smaller pallets and bundles in the second ring?

And who can forget the conversations with your neighbors over the burger, pie, and coffee! Or a friend you haven't seen for some time!  "How's it goin'? How're the kids?"

Covid-19 changed all that!

With auction services scrambling to share sale details online, little did we know at the time that would be the new normal.

Dwayne and Chris Leslie farm near Poplar Point, MB and were avid attendees to auction sales.  Once everything went online, the Leslie's merged with the rest of society in following the auction website catalogues and bidding wars.

And through his own personal frustration of staying on top of his own bids on multiple websites, Dwayne developed, where thousands of items are featured, can be bid on at any time and across dozens of different websites, all on your own personal 'watch list'. 

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