SSGA Launches Third Annual Beef Drive with New Sponsor Cargill

Oct 30, 2018

The Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association (SSGA) has launched their third annual Beef Drive for the Food Banks of Saskatchewan (FBS). Inspired by the success of previous Beef Drives, the SSGA has set a goal of collecting 10,000 pounds of beef donations this year.

“We are excited to launch our third Beef Drive encouraged by the tremendous support of our membership donating to the program over the past two years. The Beef Drive fills an important need for the province’s food banks because fresh ground beef is a healthy, high protein food source, but it’s difficult for food banks to provide due to its cost and perishable nature,” stated SSGA President Bill Huber.

“Food Banks of Saskatchewan is committed to working with a variety of producers to provide quality nutrition to food banks across the province. This partnership demonstrates the impact that can be achieved when we work together to address hunger in our communities,” stated Laurie O’Connor, Executive Director of Food Banks of Saskatchewan.

SSGA welcomes Cargill as the sponsor for the third annual Beef Drive. Through its Cargill Cares program, Cargill will be matching private donations dollar for dollar up to $5,000.

“Our Canadian Cargill Animal Nutrition Beef team is honoured to support our SSGA members on this very important initiative. We encourage all industry stakeholders to motivate their peers and continue to support SSGA on the Beef Drive,” stated Shannon Borden, Beef Brand Manager for Cargill Animal Nutrition Canada. Cargill has over 350 employee-led Cargill Cares Councils worldwide. The councils provide support for local charitable and civic organizations and programs such as food relief agencies, school and youth programs, and local environmental projects.

“We would also like to thank Cargill who comes onboard as a sponsor this year as well as the three processors who have previously partnered with the SSGA. Sponsorship support is an important aspect of the Beef Drive as it helps to cover the costs of processing the donated animals,” the SSGA president added.

“We are very grateful that so many generous, hardworking cattle producers are on board for the third year in a row to provide an exceptional source of protein to people who need it the most. We send a huge thank you out to Saskatchewan farmers, SSGA, Cargill, and the processors for their generosity and hard work in making it all happen," the FBS executive director stated.

Source : Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association
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