“When we started seeding this year, we had good moisture, but we certainly didn’t have a lot of moisture even in the subsoil if you dug down,” he said. “It really improves the potential of this year’s crop. When you’re talking about how it looks on a broad scope, it’s very, very positive here.”
On their 20,000-acre farm, the Wood family grows one-third of cereals, usually durum wheat, one-third of canola or an oilseed and one-third of pulse crops.
“Typically, our rotation relies heavily on red lentils, canola and durum wheat with a few other minor crops mixed in like flax and canary seed,” he said.
Marit said once the ground dries up in the next few days the farmers will be pushing hard. He encouraged everyone to stay safe and especially to be aware of farm equipment on the province’s roads.
“For the driving public, there is equipment on the road, it’s big equipment and slower moving so I want everyone to be aware of that. Farm safety is important for all of us and that includes farmers and their workers,” Marit added.
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