The newly enhanced Specialty U.S. Soy Database is updated with the fifth year of data featuring nearly 500 soybean varieties, with several dozen new varieties. Additionally, this resource includes information on how to source U.S. identity preserved (IP) soybeans and supplier contact information.
“USSEC is pleased to announce the fifth year of the Specialty U.S. Soy Database,” said Will McNair, USSEC Director, Soy foods, Oil and Global Team Development. “Created annually through partnerships with U.S. farmers, exporters, seed suppliers, and trade associations, the database provides international buyers with timely information on the quality attributes of specialty U.S. soybeans for soy food, oil, and other end uses,” McNair added.
The interactive database is the most comprehensive source of information regarding U.S. soybeans available for use in soy-based foods such as tofu, soymilk, natto and miso. The database provides data on quality attributes such as oil and protein content, amino acid content, estimated tofu/soymilk yields, 11s7s ratio, origin and more. Once a match for a particular variety is found, users can navigate to the supplier directory to locate and connect with seed supply companies.
The Specialty U.S. Soy Database, partially funded by the soy checkoff, was created in 2020 at the behest of U.S. soybean exporters and buyers to provide detailed information about U.S. soybean varieties including soy food beans and high oleic soybeans.