Thompson said anaplasmosis is commonly known as a southern disease that is usually transferred by ticks to cattle. There's evidence the disease has reached South Dakota.
“Up here, the saving grace that we have is winter. But, it is possible that we may have imported some anaplasmosis animals into the state. Or, it may be just that climate change and some of our warmer winters is allowing some of those ticks or other organisms to continue to thrive through the whole year,” said Thompson.
She said one anthraxcase was found this year in Ziebach County. Last year, she said there were five positive cases.
“We don’t know a place in South Dakota where we haven’t found anthrax and between water events, whether they are floods or heavy thunderstorms moving the soil around. It’s very possible that we have anthrax in every county in this state,” said Thompson.
Thompson said farmers should contact their veterinarian immediately upon finding any animals that died suddenly and unexpectedly, which is a key sign of anthrax.
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