A South Dakota-based agriculture company has unveiled a line of products that it says can lower the methane emissions of certain livestock while also increasing milk and meat production.
The products, created by Agrovive Biologicals in Tea, are crop inoculants, or mixtures of bacteria that are applied to crops or seeds. When treated crops are used as feed, livestock such as cattle, sheep and goats use some of the energy they would spend producing methane to instead gain weight and produce more milk.
Agrovive CEO Tony Hagen said people have turned to the agriculture industry to combat the greenhouse gas emissions, including methane, that cause climate change. Cows emit methane in their burps and manure, and there are about 4 million cattle in South Dakota alone.
“Farmers are the low-hanging fruit for methane reduction,” Hagen said. “They don’t have to take cars off the road. We don’t have to change the fuel. If we can reduce methane coming from cattle, then we save industry from having to make some very expensive cuts.”