South Dakota 4-H Members Participate in Western National Roundup

Feb 01, 2019

South Dakota 4-H youth from across the state competed together with 660 youth from the U.S. and Canada during the Western National Roundup, January 9-13, 2019, held in Denver, Colo. The Conference, now in its 99th year. Western National Roundup is held annually during the National Western Stock Show. 
“South Dakota 4-H members showcased their talents and winning attitudes during this event,” said Amanda Stade, SDSU Extension State 4-H Events Management Coordinator. “Our state’s 4-H members excel on the national stage. These youth are our future. They set the bar high on what to we can expect from them.”
The trip was sponsored and funded by the 4-H Livestock Industry Trust Fund. 4-H members selected, qualified to compete by winning statewide contests in 2018. Qualifying members who competed are listed below:
Livestock Judging Team Members: Tavie Guzman, Clark County; Danielle Houghtaling, Spink County; Kaylen Stearns; Fall River County and Hadley Stiefvater, McCook County  
Horse Judging Team Members: Colin Sprinkel, Brown County; Adisyn Kuxhaus, Hughes/Stanley County; Kacy Goehring, Hutchinson County and Brianna Allen, Minnehaha County 
Hippology Team Members: Nautica Hagg, Pennington County; Alison Morrison, Pennington County; Mary-Katherine Schlichte, Pennington County and Ahna Vig, Pennington County 
Horse Bowl Team Members: Hannah Buchmann, Minnehaha County; Jami Bergeson, Minnehaha County; and Samantha Bergeson, Minnehaha County and Dani Holm, Minnehaha County 
Horse Public Speaking: Caycee Schneider, Spink County 
Consumer Decision Making Team Members: Madison Hofer, Turner County; Marissa Hofer, Turner County; Titus Roesler, Turner County and Kristen Wieman, Turner County 
Fashion Revue: Brianna Duerre, Day County 
Livestock Quiz Bowl: Nathan Linke, Sanborn County; Sawyer Naasz, Brule County; Sadie Vander Wal, Spink County and Mitchell Vander Wal, Spink County 
2019 Western National Roundup Results 
Livestock Judging Individual Results: 
Tavie Guzman, Clark County, received the following placings: overall, beef, 18; goats: 30, sheep: 50; swine: 40 and reasons: 45. 
Danielle Houghtaling, Spink County, overall: 24; beef: 19; goats: 64; sheep: 37; swine: 44 and reasons: 39.  
Hadley Stiefvater, McCook County, overall: 30; beef: 60; goats: 34; sheep: 36; swine: 16 and reasons: 29. 
Kaylen Stearns, Fall River County, overall: 70; beef: 49; goats: 58; sheep: 62; swine: 71 and reasons: 72. 
Livestock Judging Team Results: overall: 7; beef: 8; goats: 13; sheep: 12; swine: 10 and reasons: 12. 
Livestock Quiz Bowl: Placed fifth overall, team members include: Nathan Linke, Sanborn County; Sawyer Naasz, Brule County; Sadie Vander Wal, Spink County and Mitchell Vander Wal, Spink County. 
Fashion Revue: Brianna Duerre, Day County placed fourth overall in the Construction Outfit division. 
Consumer Decision Making – Turner County team results: overall placing: 4; class placing: 1; reasons placing: 8 and group think process: 10. Individual results: 
Titus Roesler: overall placing: 2; class placing: 1 and reasons placing: 5. 
Madison Hofer: overall placing: 11; class placing: 5 and reasons placing: 27. 
Kristen Wieman: overall placing: 17; class placing: 3 and reasons placing: 36. 
Marissa Hofer: overall placing: 44; class placing: 41 and reasons placing: 39. 
Horse Public Speaking: Caycee Schneider, Spink County placed fourth. 
Hippology – Pennington County Team: Team members include: Nautica Hagg, Alison Morrison, Mary-Katherine Schlichte and Ahna Vig. Team Results: exam/slides: 8; stations: 6; judging: 2; problem: 5 and overall: 6. 
Individual results: 
Nautica Hagg: written exam/slides: 10. 
Mary-Katherine Schlichte: horse judging: 2. 
Horse Judging: Team members include: Colin Sprinkel, Brown County; Adisyn Kuxhaus, Hughes/Stanley County; Kacy Goehring, Hutchinson County and Brianna Allen, Minnehaha County. Team results: halter: 11; performance: 5; reasons: 13 and overall: 9. Individual Results: 
Adisyn Kuxhaus: – overall individual: 6, halter: 13 and performance: 7. 
Kacy Goehring: Performance: 17 
Horse Bowl – Minnehaha County: The team placed seventh overall. Team members include: Dani Holm, Minnehaha County; Hannah Buchmann, Minnehaha County; Jami Bergeson, Minnehaha County and Samantha Bergeson, Minnehaha County. 

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