Agrivoltaics is the use of land for both agriculture and solar-photovoltaic energy generation. Solar grazing is a variation where livestock graze in and around solar panels. The system looks at agriculture and solar-energy production as complementary to one another. By allowing working lands to stay working, agrivoltaic systems could help farms diversify income. Other benefits include energy resilience and a reduced carbon footprint.
Bradley Heins is an associate professor of organic-dairy management at the University of Minnesota-West Central Research and Outreach Center. He has since 2017 utilized agrivoltaics at the center’s research dairy farm. The center has a 110 head in a certified-organic system, and a 140 head in a conventional grazing system.
“We do research on pasture-based dairying and everything that surrounds dairy production here in Minnesota,” Heins said. “We got interested in agrivoltaics about 10 years ago.”
The project started by monitoring the dairy herd for energy usage. They learned exactly how much water was used and all elements of energy use on the farm.