In collaboration with the Iowa Pork Industry Center, the truck wash inventory and mapping, originally developed in 2015, was updated utilizing a 52-question survey applied to truck washes across 12 different states. The goal of the mapping was to provide producers information about the publicly available truck wash location and details related to facility operations, such as services provided, time and type of wash, and other information.
The updated map of truck washes with the results from the work mentioned is available at the following link:
For the development of the TASC platform, three approaches were tested: 1) GPS tracking of trucks and trailers, 2) a software application (CleanTrailer app) for automatic creation of electronic tickets for washing events, and 3) manual data collection at truck wash and packing plant sites. For the truck and trailer GPS approach, beacons were installed in all trucks and trailers to enable data recording every 30 seconds in trucks and every 30 minutes in trailers. Once the beacons were installed and running in trucks and trailers, geofences were established to differentiate between vehicles entering and exiting the packing plant or the truck wash.
For the second approach, the CleanTrailer software application was utilized to create tickets for each trailer wash during the pilot study. The goal was to utilize a technology that is feasible for implementation by the truck wash personnel while automatically storing truck wash information. The CleanTrailer app collected information regarding truck wash events including worker name, trailer plate photo, and pictures captured before and after washing the trailer. For the third approach, manual collection of data on truck movement at the truck-wash and packing plants was performed.
Data was collected in this study between the periods of July 10, 2023, and August 11, 2023, representing 799 deliveries of pigs to the packing plant and 792 trailer washing events. Data was utilized to compare and evaluate the accuracy and reliability of each method.
Further, the collected data was utilized to build the TASC platform using statistical algorithms based on output generated by the three approaches utilized in this study, which captured data concerning GPS movements, the CleanTrailer app, and on-site manual truck and trailer check in. Algorithms were built to summarize the information from all trailers and trucks, across the three approaches into data visualization reports. Information was organized at both the trailer and truck level. Information in the reports included: number of loads per day, number of visits to washing bays, number of dirty (did not visit washing bay) truck movements, number of dirty (did not visit washing bay) trailer movements, number of pig loads between washes, time (minutes) at the truck wash, and number of movements before washing.
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