A study funded through the Swine Health Information Center Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Research Program, in partnership with the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR) and Pork Checkoff, recently evaluated caretaker motivation related to compliance with biosecurity behaviours. Led by Michael Chetta of Talent Metrics Consulting, an exploratory study was conducted to establish a baseline for worker motivation and identify the primary factors within the industry that could be impacting biosecurity compliance.
While significant resources are devoted to training personnel on the proper execution of biosecurity control measures, this study aimed to fill the gap surrounding the motivations and barriers that determine whether personnel will consistently perform the measures. This research and measurement related to motivation is the first of its kind in the industry and sets the groundwork for better understanding the social science of swine industry biosecurity.
To conduct this study, an online survey was developed and a total of 139 animal caretakers from five pork production companies participated in the survey and formed the study’s sample population. Questions measured quantitative responses to different factors which may impact compliance such as attitude, social norm, perceived behavioral control, behavioral intent, job demands, job resources, level of exhaustion, and disengagement from work. Results suggest the swine industry’s challenge with biosecurity compliance is not wholly driven by issues with motivation. Results for attitude and job resources suggest further investigation into the rewards, supervisor support, and performance feedback categories of job resources could be promising avenues for continuing to explore what drives biosecurity non-compliance. Specifically, personnel being rewarded for following biosecurity procedures was highlighted as an opportunity.
SHIC, along with FFAR, a non-profit organization established in the 2014 Farm Bill, and Pork Checkoff, partnered to develop the Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Program to investigate the impact of personnel on pathogen biocontainment and bioexclusion. Research priorities emphasized comparing implementation and compliance incentives and/or rewards and their successes, shortcomings, or adoption barriers across sites or systems to help understand worker motivation to consistently execute biocontainment and/or bioexclusion protocols.