- Canola planting is at 6 per cent completion across the province.
- Sunflower planting is at 13 per cent completion across the province.
Pulses and Soybeans
- Field pea planting is at 72 per cent completion across the province.
- Soybean planting is at 15 per cent completion across the province with the Central region at 30 per cent.
Forages and Livestock
Recent rains have helped stimulate pasture growth and the landscape is greening up nicely. Hay fields are in good shape, although icy conditions experienced this winter may have taken their toll on alfalfa plants in some locations. Those producers experiencing substantial winterkill are planting annual crops such as corn and sudan grass to offset the potential loss in feed production. Fertilization of hay and pasture acres is nearly complete.
Hay and feed supplies are normal, but there will be limited feed carryover. Pastures and alfalfa are quickly greening up and will make use of the current availability of moisture. Fertilization and manure applications of hay stands are continuing.
Several beef cattle operations have made the move to pasture, particularly in the south-east corner of the province. Others located farther north, continue to hold animals in winter feeding areas or on sacrifice pastures to allow the grass more time for growth.
Pasture water supplies are being replenished with the recent rains and are now closer to average. Annual cereals and mixes for feed are seeded and beginning to emerge. Corn planning for silage is just starting. Pastures and hay land are greening up nicely, with dugouts at 95 per cent capacity.
Many producers have adequate feed to last their cattle until summer turnout but will have minimal to no carryover feed.
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