Seed Manitoba 2021 Guide Now Available

Dec 10, 2020
Farmers are busy picking out their crop varieties for next year.
One useful tool is the Seed Manitoba 2021 Variety Selection and Growers Source Guide, which is now available.
"This was a great year for harvest, so we do have all of the corn, sunflowers, and soybean information in the guide," said Manitoba Agriculture Cereal Specialist Anne Kirk. "It doesn't always make it in just due to limits on harvesting. We do have all of our yields in the guide this year and some of the additional information is also available on the Seed Manitoba website. So for example, some of the additional later harvested corn silage crops, that information would be on the Seed Manitoba website as well as some pea protein data."
The yield and protein information in Seed Manitoba is derived from small plot replicated trials by third party contract researchers across Manitoba agro-regions to assess genetic potential throughout Manitoba. The remainder of agronomy and disease resistance information comes from the Prairie Grain Development Committee registration data.
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