Cow/calf producers can gain valuable information to improve their operations by participating in the SDSU Extension’s Calf Value Discovery program, which is now accepting entries for 2023-2024.
Producers consign a minimum of five steer calves weighing between 500 and 800 pounds for $20 per head. Cattle will be fed in an accelerated finishing program at Vander Wal Yards in Bruce, South Dakota. SDSU personnel will weigh the cattle periodically and send performance updates to their owners. Cattle will be sold in truckload lots beginning around May 15, 2024. All cattle are sold on a grid price system.
“The Calf Value Discovery program allows producers to learn how their calves perform in the feedlot and on the rail. The carcass data is especially useful for producers who typically market cattle at the sale barn,” said Julie Walker, professor and SDSU Extension Beef Specialist.
Obtaining post-weaning animal and carcass performance data provides producers with additional information to make the best financial and management decisions.