Females lay eggs in small masses that overlap like fish scales (Figure 1A). These egg masses are deposited on the underside of corn leaves, often near the midrib and on the basal two-thirds of the leaf blade. Newly deposited eggs are creamy white, while eggs close to hatching have larvae with black heads.
Larvae (Figure 1B) are the damaging stage for corn and hatch in 3-7 days, or approximately two weeks after moths emerge. Newly hatched larvae feed on corn leaf surfaces or pollen if available. Second instar larvae create small, round "shotholes" (Figure 1C) in whorl stage corn. Third instar larvae can tunnel into leaf midribs and stalks (Figure 1D & 1E). Feeding by ECB larvae causes direct physiological yield losses, as stalk tunnels disrupt the movement of water, nutrients, and photosynthates within the plant. Losses can range from over 6% loss per borer per plant in pre-tassel corn to 3% loss per borer per plant after pollination.
The pupae are dark reddish brown with slightly rounded heads and pointed “tails.” Univoltine and 2nd generation pupae are found in cornstalks, corn cobs, corn residue, or weed stems.
ECB adults are about 1/2–5/8 inches long and nearly triangular in shape when at rest. Females are light brown in color, and males are darker brown (Figure 1F). Both have irregular, wavy lines across their forewings.
Scouting European corn borer
Focus on corn fields whose developmental stages are most attractive to the egg-laying female moths. The scouting method for ECB varies depending on whether the corn is in the whorl stage or post-tassel stage. Prior to tassel emergence, scout for larval feeding and larvae in the whorl. Select five spots within the field and pull 10-20 whorls at each spot. Examine these whorls for signs of feeding and count any live larvae found when unrolling the whorl. After tassel emergence, inspect the underside of the ear leaf and the three leaves above and below the ear for egg masses. Select five spots throughout the field and examine five plants at each spot. Timing is crucial because larvae are only outside the stalk and exposed to insecticides until the 3rd instar, which lasts 10 to 14 days for each generation. Refer to the scouting guide (Table 1) for a summary of when and where to scout for the two ECB biotypes in Minnesota.
Table 1. European corn borer scouting guide for two biotypes in Minnesota.

Funding support
We appreciate the Minnesota Corn Grower Association and Minnesota Corn Research and Promotion Council for their generous funding support for this project.
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