In this case a feed outage of up to 24 hours, within the next week those pigs were able to compensate. The pigs that had the feed outage ate more in the week after the outage so our overall growth rate was not affected by the feed outage. These pigs are probably housed in what you might call ideal conditions so, in this case, in an ideal situation, even a 24-hour feed out the pigs were able to compensate.
However, the pigs we sampled at the abattoir, virtually all of those pigs had some evidence of a gastric ulcer. The pigs that had the longer feed outages, it was more severe, but even the pigs with no feed outage, there was some evidence of gastric ulcers.
We can't tell from this experiment if that's due to the pea starch or due to the feed outage or even if that's normal, if all of our pigs have that. But we were surprised to see that amount of damage.
Source : Farmscape