Prices of live, non-fed cattle in Alberta for the week ending February 25th saw an increase when compared to the previous week. The price of D2 slaughter cows saw a price increase of $4.00 per cwt to average $87.50 per cwt; while the price of D3 slaughter cows saw a price increase of $3.99 per cwt to average $76.19 per cwt.
The rail price for non-fed cattle in Alberta saw an increase of $5.00 on both ends of the rail compared to February 18th to finish out the week with a rail price of $170.00-$175.00 per cwt.
Nearby live cattle future contract prices saw a decline throughout the week. The February live cattle futures contract declined US$3.975 per cwt relative to the week of February 18th to settle Friday at US$139.275 per cwt. The April contract had a price decline of US$3.950 per cwt compared to February 18th, to settle Friday at US$141.925 per cwt.
Choice beef cutout prices (600-900 lb.) for the week averaged US$260.82 per cwt, a price decline of US$9.06 per cwt or 3.35 per cent from US$269.88 per cwt the week of February 18th.
Canfax reported a total of 9,400 head of cattle were sold in Saskatchewan this week, down from the 13,513 head during the week ending February 18th, and significantly lower than the 24,092 head marketed during the same week in 2021.
The prices in the weekly report are based on the Canfax Market Outlook and Summary
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