SCIC's President and CEO Jeff Morrow says as an example in 2024 the average premium for Hard Red Spring Wheat would be $7.55 per acre for about $318 in coverage, the average premium for Canola would be $17.28 per acre for about $493 in coverage, while the average premium for large green lentils would be $27 an acre for about $380 in coverage.
SCIC notes that producers' coverage and premiums are individualized to their operation and reflect each producer's production records and claim history.
As part of Crop Insurance producers have access to a variety of Weather Based Programs including Forage Rainfall Insurance, Corn Rainfall Insurance, and Corn Heat Unit Insurance.
Marit announced enhancements to the programs providing new options for insuring intercrops and additional feed crops.
The Mixed Forage Rainfall Insurance Program now protects any forage feed crop not previously covered under weather-based programs, including mixed forage, greenfeed, and silage, if seasonal precipitation is below average.
The Intercrop Rainfall Insurance Program ensures that annual intercrops intended for harvest can now be insured for below-average seasonal precipitation.
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