The other new small red lentil variety being released is CDC Nimble, (again with limited availability) in testing it yielded 108 per cent of CDC Maxim in the brown and dark brown soil zones, and in the black and dark grey soil zones it yielded 107 per cent.
She says new pea variety's producers may want to look at include AC Chrome, CDC Lewochko and AAC Profit.
"AC Chrome was first available to growers in 2021 and seven years of testing in Saskatchewan RVT's it yielded 106 per cent compared to the check CDC Amarillo in the south, and 104 per cent in the north"
When ranking by site AC Chrome ranked at the top at Indian Head, Kamsack, Saskatoon and Swift Current, which again shows adaptation to a broad range of geographies. It does have lower protein however, which is 1per cent lower than the protein check CDC Amarillo.
Another new variety developed by the Crop Development Centre is CDC Lewochko.
This variety has good yield in both the north and south part of the province, with yields running at 102 and 103 per cent respectively of the check. It's showing promising performance, and statistical analysis of the five years of testing in the RVTs has it ranked in the top four varieties.
CDC Lewochko, is expected to be sought after by pea processors as it has the highest protein of the yellow pea varieties at plus point 9 per cent of the check.
"It also has very good lodging resistance. It also has very good seed characteristics and is rated good for resistance to seed coat breakage. Resistance to dimpling, has less green color coloration, better than Inca or Spectrum, and it has a good round shape."
Friesen says another one to look for this spring is AAC Profit, a new yellow pea variety which is marketed under FP Genetics, and is available to grow for the first time in 2022.
"This variety is showing particularly high yield in the north, where it yielded 110 per cent of the check. It also has high protein at point 8 per cent higher than CDC Amarillo and is rated good for seed coat breakage and has a medium seed size."
She notes that there are some really great options on the horizon that are currently in the seed multiplication stage.
Tech sheets on new seed variety options can be found on the Sask Pulse website, and for sourcing seed be sure to check out the CSG's online seed directory. Sask Seed Guide, and the Saskatchewan Seed Growers Association has their new interactive seed guide.
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