Saskatchewan Crops Need Rain Badly, Confirms Provincial Crop Report

Jul 14, 2023

Saskatchewan crops continued to progress this week. Canola is beginning to pod and wheat is beginning to flower in many areas. Dry conditions are impacting parts of the province and many producers are hoping for rain immediately, according to the provincial crop report released Thursday.

Across the province, 31% of fall cereals were estimated to be ahead of normal development in the week ended July 10, with 66% developing normally. Spring cereals and oilseed were rated 33% ahead of normal development, with 28% of pulses rated in the same category.

Very little rain was received this week. The most rain was in the Dinsmore area, with 14 mm. A large decrease in soil moisture accompanied the warm weather this past week. Cropland topsoil moisture is currently 21% adequate, 55% short and 24% very short.

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