In the areas that had some minor damage producers are very optimistic about the crops bouncing back and they're not too worried about the damage they're seeing, it was very minor.Were as in parts of the north, in the North Battleford area and up towards the Prince Albert area there was some severe storms that rolled through.
What we're hearing back right now is some canola fields, some spring wheat along with some barley fields were completely cut down.It's very unfortunate when a hail storm like that happens.
I remember hearing about the great white combine back in the day and it's really sad to see that crop down early like that and eliminate that potential all together.Those crops are likely not going to bounce back due to the damage they've seen.
Even those crops that might bounce back that weren't severely damaged, that physical damage that occurred from that hail is going to open them up to more pressure from disease as well so producers will be out there keeping a very close eye on their crop to make sure they don't have any more surprises down the road.
Struthers says we've had a lot of hot days in June and he expects even warmer weather in July so we're going to need good rain to alleviate that stress and give the crops a good drink before the really warm weather kicks in.
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