The Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) has been the voice of rural Saskatchewan for over 100 years and has worked with generations of rural elected officials representing their member RMs.
As more young families are calling rural Saskatchewan home, recruitment of the next generation is vital to maintaining a healthy rural municipal government. There are countless young people living in rural Saskatchewan who would be a valuable addition to RM councils, they just need to be encouraged to participate.
“We see many advantages to having diverse demographics among rural councils, particularly the younger generation just starting out. The future of Saskatchewan’s rural communities depends on young people stepping up to join municipal politics. SARM is starting the conversation with current members to identify ways we can ensure the next generation knows how to get involved, and knows how much we really need them. We want to plant the seed in RMs, encouraging those interested in having a say about their RM to step forward and consider a pathway in municipal politics,” said Ray Orb, President of SARM.
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