Cash hog prices were mixed to steady for the week. Thursday's average negotiated carcass price for plant delivered hogs was $74.57/cwt, up 30 cents from last week. The national average negotiated carcass price for direct delivered hogs on the morning report today was $73.27/cwt. This was virtually unchanged from a week ago, and $43.64 lower than a year ago. The western corn belt price lost $0.95/cwt. on the week to $73.63/cwt. There was no quote for the eastern corn belt. Peoria had a top price today of $48/cwt, while interior Missouri live hogs had a top of $54.25/cwt.
The pork cutout value moved $3.72 higher for the week, with this morning's cutout at $89.21/cwt FOB the plants. Bellies advanced 2.9% this week. Today's value was still $38.11 lower than a year ago. This morning's national negotiated hog price equaled 82.1% of the cutout value, a drop of 3.7% vs. last week.
Hog slaughter for this week came in at 2.137 million head, up 14.3% from the same week last year. Year to date slaughter is 7.5% above 2014. The average live slaughter weight of barrows and gilts in Iowa-Minnesota last week was 277.8 pounds, a drop of 5.9 pounds from the same week last year.
The August lean hog contract ended the week at $78.53/cwt, up $0.90/cwt from the previous Friday. October closed at $63.70, down 37.5 cents. The December lean hog futures contract lost $1.05/cwt to fall to $60.48/cwt, and February hogs finished at $66.73/cwt.
September corn closed today at $3.71/bu, down 21 cents from last Friday. December closed at $3.81.
Source: AGEBB