GUELPH, ON, (TBC) – The Rural Ontario Institute (ROI) is pleased to announce the launch of the 2024 Rural Change Makers (RCM) Program.
This transformative program will equip emerging leaders throughout rural and northern Ontario with skills to mobilize community-led action on local priorities. More than 20 regional partners and collectives are coming alongside these young leaders including: Opiikapawiin Services LP ᐅᐱᑲᐸᐃᐧᐣ ᐃᐧᒋᐦᐃᐁᐧᐃᐧᓇᐣ (OSLP) - representing a collective of 24 First Nations in northwestern Ontario, Community Futures Huron, Trenval Business Development Corporation, Minden Hills/Haliburton Collective - representing over 20 leaders, experts, business owners, CFDC’s, educators, organizations and farmers, Four County Labour Market Planning Board and Renfrew County with Renfrew County Community Futures Development Corporation.
“The Rural Change Makers Program has a powerful track-record of cultivating the next generation of rural and northern community leaders,” said Rob Flack, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness. “By supporting and investing in ambitious young leaders and deepening their commitment to our communities, the Rural Ontario Institute will help ensure that every corner of Ontario reaches its full long-term potential.”
“Our government values initiatives that provide young leaders, from across the province, with opportunities to enhance their skillsets and grow their networks so they make a difference and drive economic growth at home and in the sectors they work in,” said Lisa Thompson, Minister of Rural Affairs. “It is thanks to programs like Rural Change Makers young rural leaders are inspired and confident they can have a positive impact in their work and communities.”