So, we've added up to 40 percent and we were pleased in that we didn't see major changes in ulcers but what was a bit concerning to us is we did see ulcers, even in the control diet so, it wasn't like we've seen no ulcers without pea starch and ulcers with.We've seen ulcers in all of our diets for the most part and they were just slightly worse with the pea starch.
But, I see these pigs and they're completely happy and growing and fine so I'm a bit confused as to how much to make out of the ulcers.I don't want anything have an ulcer but they seem to be growing, they seem to be doing really well.Where I do have a concern with the ulcers is, maybe under ideal conditions they will do fine and we're seeing the performance is great stuff but what if there's one other stressor, two other stressors.
What if there's some disease in the barn? What if you have a feed outage and that's one of the things we've studied.If you have too high a levels of pea starch, could it plug up in your feeders?
And could you have some short-term outages and that would then contribute to more severe ulcers? This we do know, so I think that our goal should be the healthiest pigs possible and I think part of that is managing the particle size in our diets.
Dr. Newkirk says lately researchers have been looking more at course versus fine diets to better understand the physiology.
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