Foliar fungicide impact on soybean yield: As you would expect with a diversity of disease pressure across these research environments, there was variable impact on yield from the use of foliar fungicides. Foliar fungicides provided considerable yield protection at the Edgecombe County environment where there was heavy disease pressure and trended towards doing so at the Washington County environment. When you combined over environments, several multi-mode of action foliar fungicides provided significant yield protection compared to the non-treated control.
Thank you to the following Agents who hosted these trials: Andrew Baucom (Union Co), MiKayla Graham (Union Co), Tim Hambrick (Yadkin Co), and Jalynne Waters (Washington Co). Thank you to the following growers who hosted these trials: Greg Moxley, Manning Bros. Farms, and Cox & Watson AG. We also appreciate the Upper Coastal Plain Research Station for hosting this trial in 2021.
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