Research conducted on behalf of the Swine Health Information Center suggests Canine Parvovirus 2 presents a low risk to pigs.
In response to the unexpected identification, in October 2020, of canine parvovirus 2 in a lung sample submitted for diagnostic laboratory sequencing, South Dakota State University, with funding provided by the Swine Health Information Center, launched an investigation to determine if CPV2 may be an emerging disease risk to U.S. swine.
Swine Health Information Center Executive Director Dr. Paul Sundberg says, to determine the role of CPV2 in causing disease, banked tissue samples were examined for the presence of the virus, serum samples were evaluated for PCV2 antibodies and colostrum deprived piglets were exposed to the virus to see if it could cause disease.
Clip-Dr. Paul Sundberg-Swine Health Information Center:
We found in the first case where we looked at the tissues to see if canine parvovirus is in there, approximately 13 percent had canine parvovirus in them.
It was a low level.
In the serum samples looking for antibodies, two thirds of the serum samples had canine parvovirus antibodies in them, although again that was at a very low level as well.
So canine parvovirus is a rather common virus for contact with pigs.
It doesn't necessarily mean it's causing disease but it's a common virus that they would come into contact with.
That's an important finding.
It's generally out there and we're coming into contact with it.
The other one that we did was looking at the exposure of colostrum deprived piglets to canine parvovirus and directly exposed them and couldn't cause disease in those piglets.
So, all of this comes around to, canine parvovirus is out there.
It's in the environment.
Our pigs are coming into contact with it but it's probably a very low risk of infecting and causing diseases in pigs.