NIFA Grant
The project goal is to determine the efficacy of PGPR as a biostimulant for tall fescue and bermudagrass forage systems in the Southeast. Dillard said this approach is different than past research because it includes practical application studies, as well as a deep dive into forage production economics.
“We want to really revolutionize the way producers look at forage production,” Dillard said. “By conducting research that encompasses the entire process, we hope to be able to give farmers a stronghold in these continued times of market and fertilizer uncertainty.”
The team will sequence the genome of one PGPR strain and use this information for mass production of PGPR application material. Also, they will assess the effects of PGPR on tall fescue and bermudagrass drought tolerance under the greenhouse. In addition, the team will use a multistate field study to determine the usefulness of PGPR as a biostimulant for improving forage production and quality. Further analysis will help determine the economic impact of PGPR use on forage production in the Southeast.
Studying from all Angles
Mullenix said while the idea of PGPR research is not new, the full-circle approach to research is different than previous research undertakings.
“The way we think about farming is changing,” Mullenix said. “There may be a day when fertilizer is not as readily available as it is now. We are working to answer the question: how do we set up beef and forage producers for success in that kind of strenuous situation?”
Dillard and Mullenix agree that plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria technology is not a replacement for nitrogen applications, but the use of this technology may be a tool to remove producers’ input dependency.
“This research is so important because our job as Extension professionals is to share valuable information with our producers,” Mullenix said. “We are not working from scratch with this project, we are hoping to begin building something better from what already exists—exactly like producers would have to do.”
Financial Feasibility
Dillard said the one PGPR aspect that has not been previously studied is the financial feasibility side. Kelly and Rabinowitz will be collaborating with Dillard and Mullenix to answer the question all producers will inevitably have: “Can we afford it?”
Rabinowitz said one of the first steps to determining the answer is engaging with farmers to identify perceived barriers to technology implication on the farm.
“We are going to look at efficiency versus costs,” Rabinowitz said. “We are also going to look at producers’ practices and what could be done differently. Ultimately, we hope to provide an answer to show producers how this research-based information can help them move the productivity and profitability needle on their operation.”
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