Can Dutch dairy farms that work more sustainably also perform well or even better economically than less sustainable dairy farms? Yes, that is possible, according to a study by Wageningen Economic Research, commissioned by the Sustainable Dairy Chain, a theme group of ZuivelNL.
The more sustainable dairy farms are on average more extensive and produce 150,000 kg less milk at farm level than the rest group. Milk production per hectare at the more sustainable dairy farms averages almost 14,400 kg, while the remainder group is more than 3,000 kg above this. The costs for animal health are also lower (-0.14 euros). The total costs per 100 kg of milk are 1.68 euros lower at the more sustainable dairy farms, but that difference is not statistically significant.
In addition to lower costs, the more sustainable dairy farms also have 3.30 euros higher returns per 100 kg of milk. About half of this difference is the result of higher milk price (+1.67 euros). This can be explained, among other things, by the financial valuation of environmental and/or other sustainability performance from the best performing group.
The share of organic farms and farms with On the way to The PlanetProof quality mark is higher in the group of best-performing farms than in the rest of the farms. It is important to realize that other dairy farmers who would like to do so cannot always simply supply milk for such milk flows. Matters such as market demand and the location of the farm in the Netherlands can be decisive.