The University of Manitoba (U of M) in partnership with Alberta Grains, Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission (Sask Wheat), Saskatchewan Barley Development Commission (SaskBarley), Manitoba Crop Alliance (MCA) and the provincial governments of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, continues to offer free public access to a mapping tool that shows the level of risk for Fusarium head blight (FHB) disease in wheat, durum and barley. From May 15 to Aug. 31, the site uses free, publicly available weather data (air temperature, relative humidity, rainfall preceding the time of flowering) from over 500 weather stations across the prairies to calculate the risk of FHB and generate the risk maps.
Currently the number of weather stations available in Saskatchewan to generate the maps is less than ideal. Increasing the number of stations available to the risk mapping tool in Saskatchewan is a high priority. In order to provide additional data, we ask for your help by allowing data from your Pessl / Metos weather station to contribute to the FHB model (your data will not be used for any other purpose). Metos Canada Inc. is Ag Data Transparent (logo of ADT on the notice), therefore we require your permission to transfer anonymized data to be used for calculating disease risk in the FHB risk mapping tool.
In order to contribute, you need to have a Pessl / Metos weather station.
You can contribute in any of the following manners: