Halloween is just around the corner, meaning you’ve probably been picking pumpkins to decorate your front porch or carving pumpkins with friends and family to get in the spirit! Rather than throwing out your festive masterpieces, bring them to Rutgers Farm to have them recycled as feed for the pigs. The farm only accepts pumpkins that are free of paint, chemicals, and mold to ensure the safety of the animals. Any unpainted pumpkins that are beginning to mold will be thrown into the compost bin.
Felicia McCloskey, a senior animal research worker at Rutgers, says the safe pumpkins are fed to the pigs and chickens in addition to their regular feed. The pumpkins are high in fiber, which is extremely beneficial for the pigs’ diets when paired with their typical food. McCloskey also says the farm is currently accepting donations, and there is no end date as to when pumpkins can be brought to the farm, including after Thanksgiving.
For the last 10 years, Rutgers Farm has been recycling pumpkins for the animals and also reaching out to the local community for donations during the fall. Donating your pumpkins to the farm is a great way to give back to the Rutgers community and provide food for the animals!
Pumpkins can be brought to 65 Sheepfold Lane in New Brunswick, outside of the Swine Farrowing House. They can be dropped off at any time and on any day of the week.