Each owner of the truck or owner of the farm can see their own information and that's helpful to them to be able to check their biosecurity protocols or, if there was a disease outbreak, they could do that traceback that a veterinarian would want to do they can do that instantly.We used mapping technology and the maps that we generated, they were useful both to be proactive and also in a disease response.
We went into the project thinking, this is great if there's a disease investigation.If we have a disease outbreak the vets can respond much quicker with digital data that's combined into a platform they can use.But what we learned is it can be used proactively as well and actually alert people if the biosecurity protocols aren't followed, even if there isn't an outbreak, just making sure they're following the rules they've set for themselves.We've actually developed breech alerts based on some of the findings from this project.
Hannam notes the full report is accessible as a fee download through his company's web site at farmhealthhguardian.com.
Source : Farmscape.ca