The Swine Health Information Center reports, with the exception of three states, the number of cases of PRRS is where it would be expected to be during the warm weather.The Swine Health Information Center's monthly domestic swine disease surveillance report, released as part of its August enewsletter, indicates the number of cases of PRRS that came into the diagnostic labs in July was about the same as in June however numbers in three states remain above state-specific baseline levels.SHIC Executive Director Dr. Paul Sundberg says PRRS can be aerosolised and spread or it can be tracked from one farm to another.
Clip-Dr. Paul Sundberg-Swine Health Information Center:
Nebraska, Missouri and Indiana have had significant outbreaks of PRRS and the Missouri and Nebraska data show that those outbreaks are primarily the 144 Line 1C variant that has been causing some infection.That's been a troubling one to take off of some farms.It seems to be more persistent on some farms and it gives some more severe clinical outcomes than some others.
I think the issue with PRRS is that, while we have overall a summer incidence that would be within the bounds, it's always a very important issue no matter where you are as a producer to have communication with those around you and to understand what's happening locally and to communicate with other producers and other veterinarians around you because that will help to inform you of what's happening locally and help the producers to be better prepared to prevent an infection on their farms.