Agriculture Minister Ron Kostyshyn says the program is a pivotal resource for farmers, their families, and employees.
"Extreme weather conditions, market fluctuations, and disease outbreaks often isolate and challenge the mental health and well-being of farmers and their families. These funds will support the expansion of professional counseling services to increase access to mental health support."
He notes the $450 thousand dollars is a sound investment adding that by just talking with industry they know there is a need for the importance of such an organization.
Gerry Friesen, Chief Administrative Officer for the Manitoba Farmer Wellness Program says the funding will help the organization expand the program even more.
"Of course, when we started, we started in a smaller way. We were able to add farm employees on January 1st and now we can even look at broadening this program even more."
He notes it will help in onboarding more counselors when that is needed.
Friesen says focusing on mental health is important as producers live and work in a very challenging and stressful environment.
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