Proud to Bee a 4-H’er initiative reaches new heights and new clubs

May 29, 2018

Ottawa, Ontario – May 29, 2018 – 4-H Canada and Syngenta Canada are pleased to announce
another successful year of the Proud to Bee a 4-H’er initiative, which saw 135 4-H clubs from across
the country participating and some 15,000 seed packets distributed. In the five years it has run, Proud
to Bee a 4-H’er has distributed more than 140,000 pollinator-friendly seed packets to 4-H clubs and
communities across Canada.

In addition, 4-H Canada and Syngenta were thrilled to have 44 percent of those clubs as first-time
participants in the initiative. The participating 4-H clubs help create bee-friendly habitats and learn all
about the fascinating work of bees.

“It is wonderful each year to see the level of excitement and engagement our members have with this
initiative,” said Shannon Benner, 4-H Canada CEO. “All of this would not be possible without the
strong commitment from our Sustainable Agriculture & Food Security Pillar partner Syngenta Canada.
They have been instrumental in helping young 4-H’ers take a hands-on approach in learning about
their role in a sustainable agriculture and food security and the overall health of the environment.”

4-H Canada’s partnership with Syngenta Canada is helping to ensure that 4-H members across the
country are not only learning about the importance of pollinators, but also actively helping to create
and promote healthy pollinator populations across the country. The Proud to Bee a 4-H’er initiative has
proven to be an incredible way to engage all Canadians in conversations about sustainable food, the
environment, and the agricultural sector.

“This partnership with 4-H Canada continues to promote the importance of pollinators and is actively
helping to create healthy pollinator habitats,” says Dr. Paul Hoekstra, Stewardship and Policy Manager
with Syngenta Canada. “We continue to be amazed by the high level of interest and engagement that
4-H clubs across the country bring to this initiative.”

Support for Proud to Bee a 4-H’er by Syngenta Canada is through its Operation Pollinator program,
which is focused on research and partnerships to promote the health and well-being of bees and other
pollinators given their essential role in agriculture and nature.

For additional information and resources regarding Proud to Bee a 4-H’er, visit

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