By Mariel Borgman and Wade Syers
Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) was detected in Michigan on February 24, 2022. The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) is monitoring the situation closely. It is important for all poultry owners and caretakers to know the signs of the disease and the steps they can take to protect their flocks.
Biosecurity sounds technical, but it is simple to understand when broken down to its roots: Bio- is a prefix meaning “relating to life” and security means “being free of danger or threat.” So essentially, biosecurity is a word that means the steps you take to protect the health of your animals by reducing the spread of disease.
Avian influenza, and other avian diseases, spread through direct transmission, with exposure to infected birds, feces or secretions or through indirect transmission, through the movement of people, containment equipment, clothing, footwear. Some diseases such as avian influenza may be spread via respired respiratory droplets. A major concern is that wild migrating birds carry the disease from place to place along their route. Limiting exposure of backyard flocks to wild birds is critically important for limiting the spread of avian influenza, particularly during times of waterfowl migration, spring and late fall. Learn more about the symptoms of avian influenza and how to report a suspected case in the article: Identify the signs of highly contagious avian influenza in your small or backyard flock.