The latest U.S. Department of Agriculture crop progress report rates 74 percent of the US Corn Crop as being in good to excellent condition- up 1 point from a week ago, 19 percent fair and 7 percent poor to very poor. Harvested corn reached 46 percent, 3 points below average. National soybean conditions remain unchanged from a week ago in the good to excellent ratings- resting at 74 percent while soybeans are 19 percent fair and 7 percent poor to very poor. Harvested sorghum reached 57 percent, 8 above the average. National cotton conditions are down 1 point from last week in the good to excellent ratings- at 47 percent, 36 percent fair, 13 percent poor and 4 percent very poor. Harvested cotton reached 30 percent, 3 points above the average. For the complete USDA Crop Progress report, click here.
In the weekly crop progress report from USDA, Oklahoma winter wheat planted reached 78 percent, up 4 points from the previous year and up 4 points from normal. Winter wheat emerged reached 51 percent, up 7 points from the previous year and up 4 points from normal. Canola planted reached 81 percent, down 7 points from normal. Canola emerged reached 53 percent, up 2 points from the previous year but down 2 points from normal. Corn harvested reached 77 percent, down 2 points from the previous year and down 6 points from normal. Sorghum mature reached 93 percent, down 1 point from the previous year but up 12 points from normal. Sorghum harvested reached 54 percent, down 2 points from the previous year but up 4 points from normal. Soybeans dropping leaves reached 71 percent, up 10 points from the previous year and up 44 points from normal. Soybeans harvested reached 22 percent, unchanged from the previous year and unchanged from normal. Cotton bolls opening reached 85 percent, down 5 points from the previous year and down 2 points from normal. Cotton harvested reached 15 percent, up 11 points from the previous year and up 8 points from normal. Cotton condition was rated 95 percent fair to good.
In Texas, winter wheat and oats seeding continues across the state, while producers can take advantage of recent moisture. Corn harvested is 80 percent complete, 4 points higher than last week and on point with normal. Mature corn reached 95 percent, 2 below normal. Sorghum harvest was 73 percent complete, 3 points higher than last week and just above normal by 1. Across the state, sorghum was 90 percent mature, which is 3 points above the five-year average. Soybeans dropping leaves were at 90 percent, 2 points below normal. Cotton harvest was at 22 percent, just under normal by 2 points. Cotton bolls opened were at 84 percent, 1 point under the 5-year average.