Anthrax has been more frequently reported in northeast, southeast and southcentral North Dakota, but historically, it has been found in almost every part of the state.
It is not uncommon to have a few anthrax cases reported in North Dakota almost every year. In 2005, however, more than 500 confirmed deaths from anthrax were reported with total losses estimated at more than 1,000 head. Affected animals included cattle, bison, horses, sheep, llamas and farmed deer and elk. The most recent confirmed case in the state was in 2021, in Kidder County.
An anthrax factsheet is available on the North Dakota Department of Agriculture website at
Anthrax is caused by the bacteria Bacillus anthracis. The bacterial spores can lie dormant in the ground for decades and become active under ideal conditions. The disease occurs most commonly following heavy rainfall, but may also occur during extremely dry conditions. Animals are exposed when they graze or consume forage or water contaminated with the spores.
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