The temperature within each long-term manure storage will also be measured. Influent and effluent from each storage will be sampled to determine volatile solids content and nutrient content (ammonia, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, total phosphorus, potassium) to try to refine a predictive equation.
DES will include each of the following dairy manure storage types that have a known input, a scheduled emptying, and are not excessively influenced by surrounding barns. Satellite/remote storages may be possible.
- Raw manure
- Raw manure separated liquid
- Digested manure, unseparated
- Digested manure, separated liquid
- Digested manure + food waste, unseparated
- Digested manure + food waste, separated liquid
Results will inform how to help dairy farms establish a baseline and then move towards sustainability. Please contact us with potential sites to be considered for inclusion in the study.
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