Always check for foam when there is any interruption in normal activities. This includes changing (turning) groups of pigs, running soaking nozzles or power washing, agitating and pumping liquid manure in the pit, or any maintenance work (such as welding) inside the barn. These activities disrupt the foam and release methane.
If foam is detected in the manure pit prior to any of these activities, immediately take these precautions:
Run the exhaust fans in the barn to at least the mild weather or fall/spring ventilation rate. This will provide roughly 25 to 35 air exchanges per hour in the barn or, for a grow-finish barn, 30 to 40 cfm/pig. Use of wall fans are preferable in addition to pit fans, since the airflow rates from pit fans are commonly compromised or reduced significantly by high manure levels in the pit and duct transitions on pit fans.
When foam is present, eliminate all ignition sources inside the barn: pilot lights or electrostatic spark on water and space heaters, sparking switches on lights and non-enclosed electric motors, welding, grinding, cigarettes, cigars or pipes.
Extension and research personnel from the University of Minnesota, Iowa State University and University of Illinois developed warning stickers in English and Spanish to post inside pig barns. Stickers will be available from pork producer associations in all three states.
Source: University of Minnesota