Preparing For Winter: How To Install Tire Chains On John Deere Equipment

Dec 04, 2014

With December fast approaching, winter weather is something that farmers and other landowners are going to need to prepare for sooner rather than later. Slippery conditions can be problematic for tractors, even those that are designed for durability. While some tires may be exempt to this condition, others may need a little help in the form of chains.

Tire chains can be easily installed and provide an adequate amount of traction during slippery conditions. Here is a brief tutorial on how to install tire chains onto your tires before Old Man Winter arrives.

1. Drape the chain over the tire.

3Tire chain draped Preparing for Winter: How to Install Tire Chains on John Deere Equipment

Make sure that the open size of the hooks for the cross links is facing away from the tire. As you lay the chain, try to make sure that it is centered over the tread as much as possible.

2. Hook the regular hook on the inside to a link on the other side of the chain.

4Tire chain inside hook Preparing for Winter: How to Install Tire Chains on John Deere Equipment

As you do so, try to use the tightest link possible without moving the chain from its centered position. On the outside of the tire, hook the lever fastener through an open link on the free end of the rim chain.

3. Fold the lever fastener back 180 degrees.

6Tire chain outside hook 2 fold Preparing for Winter: How to Install Tire Chains on John Deere Equipment

Remember that the chains should be snugly fit – if the lever won’t fold back completely, try one link longer. If it won’t fold easily, try one link shorter.

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