We are seeing that overall, in the month of May the detection is down, so reduced cases from April.
However, PEDv overall is still above the expected range for the entire U.S. and we're seeing regional increases in specific states, including North Carolina, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri and Minnesota.
We have not identified the specific reason.
Some of the thought process is that the labor shortage could contribute to the sharing of personnel across sites which may be contributing to the spread of PEDv.
We also think that, because the virus has been able to get into those sow farms and then continue this cycle of the virus being available in the sow farms and then the weaned pigs and then the nursery and the finisher, it has contributed to this cycle of making it difficult to eliminate the virus in the flows.So, continued vigilance on these biosecurity principles will continue to be very important.
Dr. Niederwerder the good news is there have been successful eradication efforts in breeding herds so we know eradication at the site level can occur and we anticipate PEDv will continue go down during the warmer summer months.
Source : Farmscape.ca