All of those aspects become very important when you see a disease that is well controlled by vaccination increase with regards to percent prevalence.One of the things that you can do is to start reviewing your vaccine protocols with your veterinarian, with the animal caretakers, with the vaccine crew that may be performing the vaccinations.
Think about the manufacturer, so what are the instructions, are we conducting these vaccine protocols as indicated, what's the volume that's been administered, what is the age range that these pigs are receiving the vaccine, what's the consistency as far as volume, number of pigs administered and also the timeline and really just doing a deep dive into your day to day operation with regards to PCV2 vaccination.
Dr. Niederwerder says the industry is fortunate to have vaccines that protect pigs from developing Porcine circovirus associated disease however the vaccine has to be administered in the manner in which it has been shown to be protective.
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