Pork Producer Delays Expansion Plans Due to Unfavorable Prices and Rising Costs

Jan 08, 2024

Tim Kruithoff, a pork producer in West Michigan, is holding off on his expansion ambitions due to various economic challenges. Despite cultivating 2,700 acres of row crops and annually finishing 25,000 market hogs with his family, Kruithoff cites unfriendly pork prices as a significant hindrance to growth. Additionally, he highlights the escalating costs associated with building, inflation, and interest rates as factors contributing to the decision to postpone expansion.

Kruithoff emphasizes the family’s long-term vision, expressing a desire to increase sow production in Indiana eventually, aiming to involve the next generation in the farm business. While aspiring for growth, he stresses the importance of managing resources efficiently rather than pursuing size for its own sake.

As a member of the Michigan Pork Producers Association board, Kruithoff advocates for a more coordinated effort among farmers to safeguard prices in the industry.

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