Planning Dairy Animal Well-Being: Developing The Plan

Jul 06, 2016
The care and well-being of cattle in Wisconsin are important to consumers and farmers alike.  Dairy producers, employees, and service providers are responsible for the welfare of cattle under their care, and are committed to making sure all animals are treated humanely.
Animal care begins at the farm level.  Although all farmers strive to take excellent care of their animals, there are times when cows are injured or sick and are not able to stand on their own.
In the factsheet Planning Dairy Animal Well-Being: Developing the Plan, UW-Extension Taylor County Agriculture Educator Sandy Stuttgen explains some of the criteria that should be considered as part of an animal well-being plan:
  • Set the culture of the care
  • Treat animals with respect and patience
  • Communicate responsibilities
  • Fulfilling roles
Work with your veterinarian, county UW-Extension agent, other farm consultants, and the most patient cattle-people on your farm to develop the compromised cattle plan specific for your farm. Doing so demonstrates your commitment to quality animal care.
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